
Conditions apply. Please check with our technical sales person. Every reasonable precaution is taken in the manufacturing of all products and completion of data to ensure that they are consistent with the manufacturer’s standards.

As the effectiveness of each product depends, in part, on correct methods of use and application, and since the conditions of the surface, application and method of use are beyond our control, no guarantee of such products or data is made or implied by this.

Any recommendation or suggestion relating to the use of products supplied by TAG chemicals India Pvt Ltd. either in technical literature or in response to specific inquiry, is given in good faith, but is not a warranty or a representation.

By virtue of this disclosure it is for the buyer to satisfy itself of the suitability of the goods for its own particular purpose, and it will be deemed to have done so by virtue of accepting the goods on this understanding. Please ensure the product meets your requirements before proceeding with the project.